Does HealthSmart include assessment tools to use with students?

Yes. As standards become more and more embedded in the fabric of health education, teachers need a way to evaluate students’ work and show that the learning objectives were truly met.

Each unit in the Teacher Guides for Grades K–2 includes a Portfolio Checklist that lists evidence of student progress, and Grades 3–5 include individual Student Workbooks that serve as a record of student achievement. The Assessment Evidence provided for each lesson links the lesson objectives to specific activities, practice sessions, activity sheets and projects completed within the lesson.

In Middle and High School, objectives for each lesson are linked to clearly identified teaching steps and the corresponding student activity sheets and other performance tasks. Assessment rubrics at these upper grade levels provide scoring guidance to ensure that student mastery can be assessed for every lesson objective. In addition, each subject module in Middle and High School culminates with two overall assessment activities: a written assessment of content and concepts, and a performance task that provides authentic assessment of content and skills through a creative individual or group project.