Are All4You! and All4You2! different programs?

All4You2! is an adapted version of All4You!

Yes. All4You2! is an adapted version of All4You! that does not include the service-learning component. 

In place of the service-learning visits, the number of classroom sessions has been expanded to include two lessons on relationships, additional refusal skills practice, and a lesson on HIV, STD, and pregnancy testing.  All4You2!  lessons are consistently 50 minutes long, while the sessions in All4You! range from 70 to 140 minutes. 

All4You2! was evaluated and found to be effective in a separate research study and is being added to the list of evidence-based programs reviewed as part of the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Evidence Review. Both programs were evaluated with youth in alternative education settings, and both are considered evidence based for this population. 

Sites that do not wish to include a service-learning component in their intervention and/or need lessons that will work within a standard school schedule should consider All4You2!