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Are ETR's programs up to date?
Evidence-Based Programs
Can I see a sample lesson from an evidence-based program?
What are core components?
Which evidence-based program is best for my setting?
Are All4You! and All4You2! different programs?
How does Respecting the Circle of Life involve families?
What learning theory is Respecting the Circle of Life based on?
Is Respecting the Circle of Life an evidence-based program?
How does Get Real involve families?
What learning theory is Get Real based on?
Is Get Real an evidence-based program?
Could Draw the Line/Respect the Line be considered an "Abstinence Only" program?
Why does the newer fifth edition of Be Proud! Be Responsible! now only cover HIV?
Does Get Real have a high school program in addition to middle school?
What are the similarities and differences between Making Proud Choices and the California Edition of Making Proud Choices?
What’s been updated in ETR’s evidence-based programs?
Do ETR’s evidence-based programs address adolescent development?
Do ETR’s evidence-based programs address parent-child communication?
Are ETR's evidence-based programs aligned to national standards?
Do ETR's evidence-based programs address healthy relationships?
Are ETR's evidence-based programs sensitive to the needs of LGBTQ+ students?
How can I find out more about the research behind ETR's evidence-based programs?
Can I see a list of topics or lessons included in a program?
What is an evidence-informed program?
What is an evidence-based program?
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Do you have support materials for how to use various online platforms or engagement tools?
Do you have any virtual delivery support materials for other evidence-based programs?
What resources do you have that support delivering virtual sexual health education with youth when using Making Proud Choices and Reducing the Risk?
How do I get a review copy of a curriculum?
What do ETR's programs cost?
Can I have online access to an evidence-based program’s video(s)?
Why are there separate student workbooks with ETR's evidence-based programs?
What comes in the various sets for each evidence-based program?
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Are changes or adaptations allowed for ETR’s evidence-based programs?
Can we adapt Reducing the Risk (or another school-based program) for an out-of-school setting?
Do I need permission to adapt an ETR program?
Can I adapt an ETR evidence-based program to be delivered virtually with youth?
Can I use different videos if the ones included in the evidence-based program don't reflect my target population?
Can we adapt condom activities in an evidence-based program to include a verbal description rather than a physical demonstration?
Can I skip or shorten some of the roleplay practice in an evidence-based program?
Can I shorten an evidence-based program by eliminating or combining lessons?
How far apart can evidence-based program sessions be without compromising fidelity?
How come many of the evidence-based programs don’t include basic reproductive anatomy and physiology? Can I add lessons on these topics?
Can I implement an evidence-based program with a larger group of youth than is recommended?
How much can I change an evidence-based program to fit the needs of my target population?
Can I use an evidence-based program in a different setting than the original study?
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Using Digital Editions
How do the fillable PDFs in the digital edition work?
Can I print out lessons from the digital edition?
How do I use student resource PDFs in an assignment in Google Classroom?
How do I access the digital curriculum?