HealthSmart’s integrated digital edition works with Google Classroom.
The HealthSmart API integration with Google Classroom provides a simple way for students and teachers to access HealthSmart content from within the LMS.
In this article you can find step-by-step instructions on the following topics:
- What You Need To Get Started
- Sign-In with Google
- Starting HealthSmart
- Assignments
- Student View
- Grading
- Content Control Settings
What You Need To Get Started
- A school/district digital subscription to HealthSmart.
- School/district IT has completed the integration setup.
with Google
If your school uses an email domain hosted by Google (e.g., Gmail), G Suite for Education, or Google Classroom, you will use your school-assigned Google account to log into the HealthSmart website. Teachers access HealthSmart using their school district launch link:
Click the HealthSmart launch link that ETR provided to your school district. The launch link authenticates the teacher by automatically logging in to the HealthSmart site using the teacher's school-assigned Google credentials. Your launch link may look similar to the following example or may be available in your school portal as the HealthSmart icon:
Sign Into HealthSmart
The launch link will bring the teacher to the HealthSmart sign-in page for Google Classroom. Log into Google as you normally would do with your school-assigned email address.
If this is your first time logging into HealthSmart, you will see a prompt requesting that HealthSmart access your account. Please note that you will also see this prompt if you have logged out of Google since the last time you logged into the site. Select Allow to continue logging in to access content.
You should now be ready to use HealthSmart!
Starting HealthSmart
Watch the following video to learn more about using HealthSmart with Google Classroom.
The HealthSmart welcome screen under Lessons will show the teacher’s name, the district name, and the LMS. The lower part of the screen shows the grade levels of HealthSmart that are included in your subscription. In the below example, the school or district has purchased a subscription to middle school. You can also view what’s not included in the subscription.
The teacher clicks the grade level they are teaching to view content. For middle school and high school, the teacher will choose the topic to view the content area.
This page also has links to the Scope & Sequence Booklet for the grade level. For middle and high school, there is a link to a lesson plan that includes lessons from across the different topic areas to make up a comprehensive sexual health education unit.
Accessing Content
Clicking a topic brings up the list of lessons for that content area. In this example, a teacher has chosen the topic, Emotional & Mental Health for high school.
To choose a lesson, click the View lesson link.
Explore this Lesson
Once the teacher selects a lesson, they can see all items related to the lesson in the Explore this Lesson tab including the overview, materials and preparation, teaching steps, and assessment. There is also a button that will allow the teacher to print out the full lesson.
Teacher Resources
The Teacher Resources tab has all the materials for the teacher including slides, teacher keys, masters and scoring rubrics for the lesson.
Student Resources
The Student Resources tab includes all the materials students use during the lesson, including assignments and assessments.
Under each student resource is the Create Assignment button that will allow the teacher to assign student work in their Google Classroom course. Teachers can also see what the assignment looks like from the student view by clicking Preview. If the school district has enabled printing, teachers have the option to print student work by clicking the printer icon which will open the resource in the correct format for printing.
Create an Assignment on HealthSmart for Google Classroom
To assign student work in Google Classroom, click the Create Assignment button on a resource.
A window will popup that will automatically pull all of the teacher's courses in Google Classroom so that they can select the right class. The assignment window will prepopulate a title, which can be edited if desired, and has an option for the teacher to write a description or note about the assignment for students to read.
To assign the resource to students, check the Publish box and click the Create Assignment button at the bottom of the window.
It is possible to create the same assignment for multiple classes. In the Course(s) option, a menu of active courses for the teacher will appear. Click each individual class to add or hold down the SHIFT key to select all classes.
📑Note: Always make a new assignment for each class using the Create Assignment button. Google's API integration does not support the ability to copy or "reuse" assignments for multiple classes or copying the student resource URL (link) to a new assignment.
After completing the steps to create an assignment on HealthSmart, the teacher can go to their course in Google Classroom. All assignments created by the teacher will be on display under the Classwork page. From here, the teacher can access settings to edit grading, due date, title, and make the assignment available to students in their Google Classroom course.
Assignment Settings in Google Classroom

⚠️Important: At this time, Google Classroom does not support copying HealthSmart assignments from one course to another. Teachers will need to create new assignments for each course/section.
Student View in Google Classroom
Once students have logged in to Google Classroom, they go to their course to see all assignments under Stream and Classwork. Students click on a resource title to access the assignment.

In the following example, a student has selected the assignment, Student Journal: Classroom Rules & Responsibilities. To start working on the assignment, the student should click on the button, Sign In to HealthSmart.
Students may need to sign in again using their Google Classroom email address if they see this prompt after clicking an assignment link:
⚠️Important: if the school is using other sign-in platforms in addition to Google Classroom, such as Clever or ClassLink, make sure the student selects Sign Out of All Accounts and then enters their Google Classroom email address to access the HealthSmart assignment.
Complete an Assignment in Google Classroom
In the following example, a student has opened a Student Journal assignment. The student can work on the assignment within this window and the autosave feature will keep track of their progress. If the student needs to come back later to finish or relaunch the same assignment, the application will recall their previous answers.
A saved draft will be noted by the message: Progress saved. Not submitted.
When the student is finished, they will click the Submit Assignment button to save their work in Google Classroom.
A pop-up window will appear to confirm the submission and the following message will appear: The assignment was successfully submitted.
To view completed assignments, the student will return to the Classwork page. Submitted assignments will appear in gray. Click the View your work option at the top of the page to see student work that has been assigned, submitted, and graded.
Grading in Google Classroom
All assignments created by the teacher will be on display under the Classwork page. To grade an assignment, select the resource to review student work.
💡Tip: For additional help in setting up grading, visit Google Classroom's support page.
Content Control Settings
HealthSmart allows school districts the autonomy for local decision-making to ensure all lessons align to state and local policies. A district administrator can be assigned content control settings to select the lessons they want educators to use while opting out of any lessons that don’t fit their scope and sequence.
To use content control settings, a district administrator can be assigned the Lesson Selector Tool which provides a toggle switch to turn on/off lesson access for all educators. See example below:
The Lesson Selector Tool is only enabled by ETR support. To request using the Lesson Selector Tool, please share the name and title of the district administrator during the HealthSmart setup call, or submit your request to
📑Note: The district administrator will need teacher permissions in the LMS in order to use the Lesson Selector Tool. Teacher permissions in the LMS are handled by district IT.