Teacher Guide: How to use HealthSmart with Schoology

HealthSmart Integration Teacher Setup - LMS: Schoology.

The HealthSmart LTI v.1.3 integration with Schoology provides a simple way for students and teachers to access HealthSmart content from within the LMS.

In this article you can find step-by-step instructions on the following topics:

Watch a video of the HealthSmart Teacher Setup for Schoology: 

Video Link

What You Need To Get Started

  • A school/district digital subscription to HealthSmart.
  • School/district IT has completed the Schoology integration setup.

Logging In

HealthSmart digital integration with Schoology begins by the teacher logging in to the LMS as they would normally do. The login will appear the same way your district has configured single sign-on or SSO.

Schoology Login for Parents - Berks Career & Technology Center

App Install

If this is the first time using HealthSmart, the teacher will need to install the app. On the homepage, navigate to the top menu and select the Schoology App Center (waffle icon). 

Schoology Menu

Search for HealthSmart within the list of digital tools in the App Center, then click the HealthSmart app to install to your Schoology account.

HealthSmart App

📑 Note: once the app has been installed, HealthSmart will be located in your list of digital tools under the main navigation menu.

Starting HealthSmart

The homepage for teachers may look slightly different depending on how your school/district has set up Schoology. Once here, look for the launch link for HealthSmart in the app list on the left-side menu. Clicking on the launch link opens the HealthSmart app.

Starting HealthSmart

The HealthSmart welcome screen under Lessons will show the teacher’s name, the district name, and the LMS. The lower part of the screen shows the grade levels of HealthSmart that are included in your subscription. In this example, the school or district has purchased a subscription to middle school. You can also view what’s not included in the subscription.

Welcome Page

The teacher clicks the grade level they are teaching to view content. For middle school and high school, the teacher will choose the topic to view the content area.

Subscription Details

Accessing Content

In this example, a teacher has chosen the topic, Emotional & Mental Health for middle school.


Clicking a topic brings up the list of lessons for that content area. To choose a lesson, click the View lesson link.

View Lessons

Explore this Lesson

Once the teacher selects a lesson, they can see all items related to the lesson in the Explore this Lesson tab including the overview, materials and preparation, teaching steps, and assessment. There is also a button that will allow the teacher to print out the full lesson.

Explore this Lesson

Teacher Resources

The Teacher Resources tab includes all the materials for the teacher including slides, teacher keys, masters and scoring rubrics for the lesson.

Teacher Resources

Student Resources

The Student Resources tab includes all the materials students use during the lesson, including assignments and assessments.

Student Resources

Student Assignments

To assign student work, start from the Materials page in the left-side menu within your Schoology course, then select Add Materials and click the HealthSmart link. 

Student Assignments

Clicking on the HealthSmart link opens a popup window where the teacher can choose student resources from all lessons in the subscription. Note: the page will automatically load the most recently viewed lesson.

  • Grade: Select the grade level you are teaching
  • Topic: Select the content area from the list
  • Lesson: Select a lesson from the list to choose student resources
  • Assignments: A list of student resources will appear; click on a title to assign to students
  • Language: Choose whether the students receive the resource in English, Spanish, or both

Click the Add Material button to successfully create a student assignment within Schoology. Add Material

⚠️Important: always create a student assignment through the HealthSmart popup window. Manually created assignments will not be accessible to students in the LMS.

All assignments created by the teacher will be on display in the Materials page. From here, the teacher can enable grading, due date, modify the title, make it available to students in Schoology, etc. by clicking the Cog Icon.

📑 Note: all settings in the cog icon are provided by Schoology and not HealthSmart.

Grading Assignments

Grade Settings

To enable grading, click the Cog Icon on an assignment and select Edit from the menu.

Cog Icon

In the Edit menu, check the box to Enable Grading and select a Grading Category for the assignment, then click the Save Changes button. This will automatically sync the assignment to the gradebook within your LMS.

Edit menu

💡Tip: if you are using a shell or template course, remember to follow the steps above to enable grading in the live course so that assignments appear in the LMS gradebook.


To start grading, click on the title of an assignment.

Selecting an assignment opens the HealthSmart grading page listing all student submissions. The grading page can be filtered by student first name, last name, progress, and completion date, and includes a search option to find a specific student. Click the blue View icon next to a student's name to review and grade the submission.

📑Note: If a student's name is missing from the list, it means they have not started or submitted the assignment. HealthSmart is unable to display students who have not opened an assignment.

When grading HealthSmart assignments, note that default grading is set to a value of 100. This can be edited to whatever value is desired, and then once a score is entered and Save Grade is clicked, the % score is sent to the LMS, and the score will be recorded in the LMS grade book. 

❗Important: Be sure to set the custom points in the LMS using the assignment settings and on the HealthSmart worksheet to ensure everything matches.

In the following example, the teacher will apply a numerical grade setting on the worksheet. The teacher will type a numerical score into the box, add an optional comment for the student to read, then click the Save Grade button to sync with the LMS gradebook. Clicking the Save & Next button will also save the score to the gradebook and allow the teacher to move to the next student in the list to grade their assignment.

Returning back to the assignment, HealthSmart will display the list of individual submissions with the grade and optional comment recorded, which will sync to the LMS gradebook.

Student View

Once students have logged in to Schoology, they can go to their course and see all assignments under the Materials page. Students click on a resource title to access the assignment. In the following example, a student has chosen to work on the assignment, Student Journal: Dimensions of Health.

Student View

In the following example, a student has opened the assignment, Student Journal: Dimensions of Health. The student can work on the assignment within this window and the autosave feature will keep track of their progress. If the student needs to come back later to finish or relaunch the same assignment, the application will recall their previous answers.

A saved draft will be noted by the message: Progress saved. Not submitted.

Assignment Progress

When the student is finished, they will click the Submit Assignment button to save their work in Schoology. 

A pop-up window will appear to confirm the submission and the following message will appear: The assignment was successfully submitted.

Submit Popup

Completed Assignment

To view a completed assignment, the student will return to the Materials page and click the assignment.

Student Materials Page

If a student needs to edit a completed assignment, the Resubmit Assignment button will appear allowing edit access again.

Resubmit Assignment