HealthSmart is available in both print and digital editions to make teaching health easy whether you're in the classroom or online.
At Grades K–5, the program is organized by grade level. The print edition consists of a Teacher's Guide that contains the easy-to-teach lessons, with clear objectives and teaching steps; images used to introduce health concepts and skills, stimulate student thinking and keep lessons lively and fun (provided in both PowerPoint and PDF formats); and masters for take-home family sheets, teacher pages, and group projects. Grades K–2 also include classroom posters that provide a colorful, large-format way to reinforce the practice of key healthy behaviors; and Grades 3–5 introduce Student Workbooks that include all student reading and activity sheets.
At Middle and High School, the program is organized by health content areas. Each unit set includes the Teacher’s Guide that contains the easy-to-teach lessons, with clear objectives, teaching steps, and assessment; a classroom set of 30 Student Workbooks that include all student journal, reading and activity sheets; and additional teacher resources such as keys and masters, PowerPoint slides, scoring rubrics and a health terms glossary.
The digital subscriptions at all grade levels provide online versions of the grade-level or content-unit lessons; a student license that allows for PDF download and/or printing of all student activity sheets from the required student workbook for 30 students; and digital access to the corresponding teacher keys and masters, images or PowerPoint slides, classroom posters, scoring rubrics and the health terms glossary.
HealthSmart teachers also have access to the HealthSmart Teacher Support Website that features a wealth of free digital resources, including a Lesson Planning Tool that allows educators to quickly customize a lesson plan based on content, skills, and the time available to teach health.