What's new in the Third Edition of HealthSmart Middle and High School?

A new third edition of the middle and high school levels of HealthSmart was released for the 2020/21 school year.

The new third edition for HealthSmart Middle School and High School continues to focus on the essential concepts and skills students need to know and practice to adopt healthy behaviors, with lessons and activities tailored to the developmental capabilities of students at each grade level. Changes to the program include:

  • Updated content. All lessons were reviewed for medical accuracy and up-to-date content. Lessons continue to reflect the recommendations of the National Health Education Standards (NHES) and the CDC’s Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (HECAT) to align the teaching more closely with what research has shown to be effective.
  • New lessons. New lessons have been added on social media and emotional health, opioids, affirmative consent, and sexual abuse prevention. Tobacco lessons have been revised to include and emphasize risks of vaping.
  • PowerPoint slides for every lesson. Engaging PowerPoint slides are now provided for every lesson to convey key concepts, enhance discussions, and guide group activities.
  • Enhanced workbooks. Student journal pages have been incorporated into the Student Workbooks for personal reflection, guided lecture notes, and group activities. Journal pages list important health terms for each lesson, and the Student Workbook now includes a full Health Terms Glossary.
  • Inclusivity. Language has been reviewed to reflect and promote inclusivity and support a trauma-informed approach.

The third edition of HealthSmart continues to be teacher friendly, with clearly defined teaching steps that require only minimal preparation. The website gives HealthSmart teachers free access to digital versions of the teacher guide resources, content updates, current articles about school health, and professional development materials. The HealthSmart program continues to be committed to providing learning activities that build a personal value for health, shape healthy peer norms, and enhance students’ power to make healthy choices that contribute to a better future.